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Presses training and techniques of making printouts, Demonstration of using heat presses and equipment for printouts on the 20th of August 2015

Our specialist of printouts invites customers from the area of Ostrow Mazowiecka on heat transfer training organized in 20th of August, 2015 year. Presented and offered by us presses and other equipment for printouts met with applause. Participants asked a lot of questions about the methods and techniques of making printouts on unusual transfer blanks.

Important part of the training were also the principles of safety when working with devices such as the press or plotter. Customers could see how to make printouts by sublimation, or the transfer papers. The big interest was also in fashion flex foil that customers could see on the T-shirts just after the transfer. In 2015, this is the show that closed a series of trainings. Next we will start already in 2016. We invite you to free trainings to our headoffice in Tomaszow Maz.